Posts Tagged panning

Panning Blur – Photography Experiments

Yesterday’s topic was Sun Stars. Today let’s try something fun, but sometimes frustrating; Panning Blur. First some inspiration and then the experiment. Examples   Here’s the panning blur experiment you can run: 1) Switch to Manual mode. 2) For starters, pick a shutter speed of 1/20. This is a good place to start but play around… Read More

Panning Blur & Capturing Motion – Photography Basics

Today’s topic is one of the easier concepts to understand but one of the hardest to get just right.  Thanks to digital photography though, there is plenty of room to play and practice with this one. Panning Blur as a means to capture motion Panning blur is simply lowering your Shutter Speed to the point… Read More

Panning Blurrrrrr – Weekend Experiment #4

This is one weekend experiment where it might be helpful to actually own a bunny. But barring a bunny, you can use any moving object. If you have kids they will have an assignment today and will be your test pilots! Pets, cars, speedboat attempting to elude James Bond…use what moving object you may have at… Read More